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The 21 Day Kids Trial at Karate Academy of Power

What's Included?

  • Unlimited Access to Age-Appropriate Classes:

    From striking to grappling, our classes cover a wide range of martial arts disciplines, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging experience.

  • Personalized Attention:

    With a focus on small class sizes, we ensure each child receives the guidance and support they need to succeed.

  • Progress Tracking:

    Watch your child's skills and confidence grow with regular progress updates and feedback from our instructors.

  • Family Involvement:

    We encourage parents to get involved! Join us for special family classes and events throughout the trial period.

Unlock Your Potential

At Karate Academy Of Power, You Will Go From Unsure, to Capable to Extraordinary!

Karate Academy of Power © 2024

At Karate Academy Of Power, You Will Go From Unsure, to Capable to Extraordinary! Unlock Your Potential For Success At Sunshine Coast's Premier Martial Arts Academy.

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